Welcome to Inverness Education Centre/Academy

Welcome Back to Inverness Education Centre/Academy
Posted on 08/16/2023
Welcome to our School with colors of the pride flag in the background

We extend a warm welcome to students, parents, guardians, staff and community partners to the 2023-2024 school year at Inverness Education Centre/Academy, Home of the Rebels.

All school staff is looking forward to the start of the new school year.  A special welcome to new pre-primary children, Grade Primary students and their families as well as our new staff members.  We are fortunate to have you join our school community.

In addition to taking advantage of all the school’s academic programs, we encourage students to participate in the extracurricular and co-curricular activities the school and extended community have to offer.

We wish everyone a successful school year!

Peter Goosens, Principal
Iisha Parsons, Vice Principal